Police Officer Job at National Testing Network, Sidney, OH

  • National Testing Network
  • Sidney, OH

Job Description


Updated: January 21, 2025

***Please submit your application through the link provided (where more information and links are included), to be considered for this position.***

Classification: Police Officer
The City of Sidney is currently hiring for Police Officer. The City application and all testing must be completed and submitted to the City by February 21, 2025 by 5:00 p.m.
City of Sidney Application can be found online. Failure to complete the City application and/or testing may exclude candidates from the next phase of the hiring process.
Salary Information: Current Rage: Effective January 1, 2025: $70,153 to $85,344
Benefit Information: Uniforms and equipment provided, two weeks up to 5 weeks paid vacation per year depending on years of public service, four personal days per year (after 6 months), 18 sick days per year, 13 paid holidays and Longevity pay after five years of employment.
Candidate Contact:
Kelly Holthaus
Human Resources Director
Police Department Contact:
Tim Kennedy-Public Safety Assistant
Department Overview: The Sidney Police Department has 37 sworn officers, 11 dispatchers and 6 support staff members. The vision of the Sidney Police Department is to exceed the expectations of their community, to adapt to the ever changing challenges, and to provide the highest level of service and protection to their citizens. Our core values are Professionalism, Integrity, Courage and Compassion. The Sidney Police department handles approximately 32,000 calls for service a year. The Sidney Police Department is a full service department with a wide variety of opportunities for officers to advance. The Sidney Police Department has a professional patrol section, a diverse investigative section, a tactical response team, a bike patrol unit, a K9 team and other specialized positions that officers may apply for. The Sidney Police Department is located in a new building and the officers are provided with state of the art equipment and training.
Area Information: Sidney and the Shelby County court square are listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Points of interest include the majestic Shelby County Courthouse, considered to be one of the finest in the nation, the Peoples Federal Savings and Loan designed by famed architect Louis Sullivan in 1917, and the Monumental Building, constructed to honor the County's fallen heroes from the Civil War. Sidney also is well known for their many parks and their recreational system. For those who enjoy the great outdoors, Tawawa Park, located within the city, is a 220-acre wooded reserve where visitors can hike, bike, fish, and picnic. Walking trails guide hikers along the park's winding creek and around its several lakes.
Seasonal events on the downtown square include band concerts, a weekly farmer's market, Kids Around the Square Festival, Fall Festival, and a variety of other family-friendly activities and events. The Winter Wonderland Parade attracts thousands to downtown Sidney to kick off the holiday season when the court square takes on the glow of countless sparkling lights, beautifully decorated storefront windows, and other seasonal decorations.
Population: 21,000
City of Sidney Job Posting
To apply: Submit an application to the City of Sidney Human Resources Dept., 201 W. Poplar St. Sidney, OH 45365 or Fax 937 498-8160. To review the application, job description and additional job information, please visit the City's website.
Job Title: Entry-Level Police Officer
Department: Police
Hours of Work: TBD
Hourly Pay: Effective January 1, 2025: Annual Pay $70,153 to $85,344
Job Description Summary: It is the vision of the Sidney Police Department to exceed the expectations of our community, to adapt to ever changing challenges and to provide the highest level of service and protection to our citizens. The Sidney Police Department is a full service police department. The department has a patrol section, an investigative section, a community resource section and a communications section. They are supported by a records section and a maintenance staff. The department provides opportunities to its officers
for additional duties, such as Traffic Crash Reconstructionist, member of the tactical response team, hostage negotiations team, bike patrol unit, evidence technician, range instructor, and defensive tactics instructor. The command staff consists of the Police Chief, Deputy Chief, Investigative Captain, 4 Lieutenants, 3 Sergeants, a Public Safety Superintendent and an Office Supervisor.
Nature and Scope: Police officers assigned to patrol report directly to a patrol sergeant. Police officers assigned to specialized positions in the investigative section report to either the detective sergeant or the investigative captain. All Sidney police officers are expected to cooperate with all other city departments and maintain a professional relationship with all local and state jurisdictions.
Minimum Job Requirements:
- Operate department vehicles safely.
- Maintain certification to operate equipment, including but not limited to alcohol testing devices, and
speed detection devices.
- Operate department equipment as assigned by the department.
- Successfully pass all firearms qualifications.
- Ability to use sound judgment and make good decisions when handling calls.
- Maintain a level of physical fitness required for the job.
- High school diploma or GED equivalent.
- Successfully pass the selection process, which includes written testing, physical fitness testing,
polygraph exam, background investigation, physical examination, drug testing, and psychological profile exams.
- Ability to complete basic law enforcement training as assigned by the department.
- A valid Ohio driver's license (by time of appointment).
- Minimum age of 21 and appointed prior to age 35, and be a U. S. Citizen or authorized to work in the United States.
Police Officer Position
The City of Sidney is now seeking applicants interested in the position of Police Officer with the Sidney Police Department. The Sidney Police Department consists of 37 sworn officers, 11 dispatchers and 5 support staff employees. The vision of the Sidney Police Department is to
exceed the expectations of their community, to adapt to the ever changing challenges and to provide the highest level of service and protection to their citizens. The department handles approximately 32,000 calls for service a year, focusing on core values of professionalism,
integrity, courage and compassion.
The Sidney Police Department offers a wide variety of opportunities for professional development and advancement. Officers may apply for specialty positions within the patrol unit, bike patrol unit, tactical response team, K9 teams, community resource and investigations.
The Sidney Police Department is located in a newer facility. Officers participate in up-to-date training programs and are provided with state of the art equipment.
It is the vision of the Sidney Police Department to exceed the expectations of our community, to adapt to ever changing challenges and to provide the highest level of service and protection to our citizens.
The position of Police Officer is an entry-level police operational position. The role of the Police Officer is one of a highly responsible technical and operational law enforcement nature. The Police Officer is a classified appointee who serves in accordance with the provisions set forth by the City Manager and City Council, and functions in accordance with General Policy, with considerable latitude in the exercise of
independent judgement as it relates to the operational capabilities of the Police Department. This position is under the direct supervision of the Police Sergeant. The Police Officer shall also exhibit the traits listed below:
The primary responsibility of all Police Officers is to protect the lives and property of the people of and visitors to the City of Sidney; to enforce the laws of the State and the ordinances of the City of Sidney; to serve the people in whatever way is necessary, within the scope of his/her duties.
Upon appointment, Police Officers are probationary employees and will be under constant evaluation during the course of their probationary period and will be subject to termination should they fail to meet established standards for continued employment.
The basic duties and responsibilities of newly-appointed police officers are to become oriented with the Department's Mission, Vision, Core Values, rules, orders, policies, procedures, and goals and objectives.
Newly-appointed police officers will be Ohio state-certified peace officers, having attended and completed the Ohio Basic Peace Officer Training Academy (OPOTA) and have successfully passed all subsequent state certification testing requirements mandated by the Ohio Peace Officer Training Commission (OPOTA). Upon successful completion of these requirements, and after appointment to the Sidney Police Department by the City Manager, and under the direction of the Chief of Police, newlyappointed police officers will be assigned to street patrol duties with a Field Training Officer (FTO) and adhere to the provisions of the Department's Field Training and Evaluation Program (FTEP). The purpose of the FTEP is to successfully train newly-appointed police officers in order for him/her to gain practical experience and techniques, skills, knowledge, and abilities necessary to perform the duties and responsibilities of a Sidney Police Officer.
A Police Officer must possess or be capable of developing the following technical abilities:
- Duties include, but not limited to: Under the general guidance of a Police Sergeant, perform general law enforcement duties consisting of patrolling assigned areas in a patrol vehicle, on foot, or other authorized mode of transportation; answer calls for service from the general
public, organizations, and assist other law enforcement agencies; enforce State and municipal laws and ordinances.
- Conduct traffic education and enforcement actions; respond and investigate vehicle crashes, direct traffic, including regulation of traffic flow at times and locations of emergencies or congestion.
- Conduct criminal investigations; gather, assemble, analyze, and evaluate facts and evidence; draw conclusions from information and make proper recommendations; interpret and apply laws and regulations; analyze situations quickly and accurately and take effective courses of
- Keep the Police Sergeant and those in the chain-of-command apprised as to matters of significance.
- Coordinate training activities and participate in training programs as a student, or instructor when necessary.
Note: All timeframes begin from the last date of accepted applications for Entry-Level or Lateral Entry Police Officer by the City of Sidney.
1. Failure to appear/complete any step in the hiring process.
2. Failure to disclose any material information or having omitted any requested material
information by the completion of the investigative process.
3. Having cheated or lied during any step of the application, selection and hiring process.
4. Conviction of a felony.
5. Conviction of the sale or narcotics or other controlled substances.
6. Conviction of, admission to, existence of probable cause of any section of ORC 2907: Sex Offenses
7. Conviction of a sex offense as defined in ORC 2901.
8. Currently registered as a sex offender, child-victim offender, or arson offender.
9. Conviction, indictment or otherwise charged with a violation of OC 2903.14 (Negligent Assault).
10. Conviction of vehicular homicide, leaving the scene, a license revocation or suspension on more
than two (2) occasions.
11. Any person who has paid or accepted a bribe to cover or hide a crime.
12. Receiving a dishonorable or bad conduct discharge from the military.
13. Failure to provide for family/dependents.
14. Conviction of domestic violence, spousal or child abuse, violation of TPO/CPO.
15. Substantiated information which could demonstrate bias or be used for impeachment by the
defense, which is referred to as Brady-Giglio material (officer integrity, untruthfulness, issues
related to credibility).
1. Disclosure and/or an established pattern of alcohol, drug abuse, or illegal gambling within 24
2. Any person under indictment or otherwise charged under ORC 2925: Drug Offenses; 3719: Controlled Substances; or 4729: Dangerous Drugs, that involves the illegal possession, use, sale, administration, or distribution of or trafficking in a drug of abuse-if the candidate is
convicted of the offenses listed above, they are disqualified for a three (3) year period.
3. Any person under indictment or otherwise charged with a misdemeanor offense of violence (excluding domestic violence)-if convicted, disqualified for three (3) year period.
4. Any person with a conviction or guilty to an offense under ORC 2913: Theft and Fraud, or a municipal ordinance that is substantially similar-disqualification for a three (3) year period.
5. Use of marijuana within 1 year.
6. Use of any illegal drug (except marijuana) within 24 months.
7. Conviction of an OVI within 24 months of application date, or reduced similar offense within 12 months of application date (see below for additional factors).
8. A determination of not qualified on a psychological exam within the past six (6) months.
9. Any of the below set by City of Sidney insurance carrier within past 3 years:
a. 3 moving violations
b. 2 at-fault traffic crashes
c. Combination of 2 or more moving violations and 1 at-fault traffic crash
d. Refusal to submit to a blood alcohol or breathalyzer test
e. Reckless operation
f. Current license suspension or revocation
g. Felony violation involving the use of a motor vehicle
h. Hit & Run (Hit-Skip) violation
i. Fleeing/eluding a police officer
1. Current accumulation of six (6) or more points of candidate's driver's license.
2. Poor employment history, including termination, resignation in lieu of discharge, poor attendance, poor quality of work, inability to get along with peers supervisors, co-workers, poor disciplinary record.
3. Conviction or admission of a job-related misdemeanor within the last five (5) years.
4. Conviction or admission to the use of prescription medication not prescribed to the candidate.
5. Conviction of assault/disorderly conduct.
6. Termination or resignation in lieu of termination from another public safety agency.
Ohio Collaborative Recruitment and Hiring Standards and Equal Opportunity Employment
The goal of every Ohio law enforcement agency is to recruit and hire qualified individuals while providing equal employment opportunity. Ohio law enforcement agencies should consist of a diverse workforce. Communities with diverse populations should strive to have a diverse work force that reflects the citizens served.
Non-discrimination and equal employment opportunity is the policy. The City of Sidney and Sidney Police Department shall provide equal terms and conditions of employment regardless of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, national origin, veteran status, military status, or disability. This applies to all terms or conditions associated with the employment process, including hiring, promotions, terminations, discipline, performance evaluations, and interviews.
The Sidney Police Department will utilize due diligence in ensuring that their perspective employees have the proper temperament, knowledge, and attitude to handle this very difficult profession. The Department will ensure that appropriate mechanisms are in place in order to achieve this mission. The Department, in concert with the City of Sidney will ensure employment requirements are related to the
skills that are necessary to be a successful employee.
The City of Sidney and Sidney Police Department adhere to the Ohio Collaborative Community-Police Advisory Board standards as set forth above relating to the recruitment and hiring of police personnel.
The City of Sidney is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Residency Requirement: Successful applicants who receive a conditional offer of employment must reside in Shelby County or an adjacent county within one (1) year of completing their probationary period.
Probationary Period: The probationary period for new officers shall be from the date of hire until 189 days worked after they have successfully completed their field training program. A day worked shall be 8 hours worked in a 24 hour period. Hours worked on light duty will not count toward completing their probationary period.
Seniority: Seniority for promotion and other purposes within the City shall be based on date of hire with the City of Sidney as a Police Officer.
Eligibility for Promotion: Eligibility for promotion to Sergeant is after five years of service with the Sidney Police Department as a Police Officer.
Vacation/Sick Leave/Compensatory Time: Employees accrue vacation leave, sick leave and compensatory time per the collective bargaining agreement which is online at:
Prior Service Time and Vacation Accruals: All full-time Police Division employees with prior fulltime public service in the State of Ohio may, upon certification of such service, count their prior full-time service time in computing their total length of service for vacation accrual purposes.
Additional Benefits: Employees may participate in group medical, dental and vision coverage, first of the month following employment.
Retirement: Retirement benefits are through the Ohio Police and Fire Pension Fund.
A Police Officer will not ridicule or criticize the City, its departments, policies or other employees in the presence of subordinates by speech, writing or other expression where such speech, writing, or other expression is defamatory, obscene, unlawful, undermines the effectiveness of the Department, interferes with the maintenance of discipline or is made with reckless disregard for truth or falsity.
- Be loyal - to our Mission and Vision
- Be subordinate - to lawful organizational directives and supervisory instructions
- Be available - for work and while at work
- Be competent - mentally, physically, medically and psychologically prepared for work
- Be productive - and use productive work time in an efficient, effective and safe manner
- Be adaptive - to the demands of your job and adjust to change
- Be responsible - for decisions made and consequences of those decisions
- Be respectful - and easy to get along with and work with others in a harmonious relationship
The City considers applicants for positions without regard to a person's actual or perceived, race, immigration status, source of income, color, religion, gender/sex, pregnancy, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, creed, ancestry, disability, political ideology, veteran status, military status, gender expression, gender identity, family status, physical characteristics, HIV-status, genetic information, or any other legally protected status.

Job Requirements


Citizenship Required:
Lawfully work in U.S.

High School Grad / GED:

Driver's License:

Ability to Read/Speak English:

Specific Disqualifiers/Behaviors:

Felony, Criminal Activity Disqualifiers: Must be able to pass BCI and FBI background investigation.

Driving Disqualifiers: Must have valid Driver's license. Not Convicted of Driving under the Influence of Alcohol more than once.

Drug Use Disqualifiers: Not addicted to the habitual use of intoxication liquors or drugs.

Employment Disqualifiers: Pattern of poor work habits and poor work performance with previous employers.

Additional Disqualifiers: Lack any of the established preliminary requirements for the examination Guilty of infamous or notoriously disgraceful conduct Made false statements of any material fact, or practiced (or attempted to practice) any deception or fraud in the application or examination in establishing eligibility, or securing an appointment. Dismissed from either branch of the Civil Service for delinquency or misconduct.

Bonus Credit on Exam Score:
Ohio applicants applying for military bonus must submit proper proof of honorable discharge or honorable release (DD 214) from active military service prior to participation in the examination. Upon the applicant (a resident of Ohio and otherwise eligible) receiving a passing grade as determined by the National Testing Network, he/she shall be granted an additional credit of 20% of such grade in view of the above-mentioned service. Applicants who have OPOTA certification will receive a 20% bonus upon passing the examination with a score of as determined by the National Testing Network. Applicants who do not achieve a passing score will not receive the Military or OPOTA bonus. The maximum bonus for any applicant is 20%.
Employment Type: Full-Time
Salary: $ 70,153.00 85,344.00 Per Year

Job Tags

Hourly pay, Holiday work, Full time, Seasonal work, Local area, Outdoor, Felony friendly, Currently hiring,

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